Pending Refunds

Pending Refunds screen is used to view the refunds that are in staging. It also allows you to approve the pending refunds by navigating to Refunds screen.

To View Pending Refunds:

  1. On Accounts module, select Pending Refunds.

  2. In Party Type drop-down, Select Customer , Operational Entity, or Partner . For party type as customer, in Customer # text box, enter the customer number. You can also search for a customer using search lookup process by clicking . For Operational Entity as party type, in Operational Entity drop-down, select the operational entity. For partner as party type, in Partner drop-down, select the partner. The Name and Balance appear on the screen.

Note: Available credit balance is displayed only for external operational entities when Is Visible check box is selected in Layout screen.

  1. Click Edit under Action column against the Reference # to redirect to Refunds screen which allows you to modify the details.

  2. Modify the required details and click Save to save the modified details.