
Refunds are credits that are returned to the customer, operational entity, or partner. Refunds can be either from balance or deposit amount. Refunds screen is used to refund the amount.

To refund amount:

  1. On the Accounts module, select Refunds.

  2. Retrieve customer or operational entity details. The corresponding details appear on the screen.

Note: Available credit balance is displayed only for external operational entities when Is Visible check box is selected in Layout screen.

  1. In the Refund from panel, select the Balance or Deposit radio button. For refund from deposit, the available deposits are displayed in the Deposit Details grid.

  2. In the Refund Date box, type or select the date on which you want to refund the amount.

  3. In the Amount box, type the amount you want to refund to the customer.
    : You can refund amount to the customer if the customer has paid the total deposit amount. For partial payment of deposit, refund cannot be done.

Refund from Balance

  1. In the Refund Mode drop-down, select the mode of refund. The available modes are Cash or Check.

For Cash Refund

For check refund

  1. In the Bank drop-down, select the bank from which the refund is being made.

  2. Provide check number and check date in respective fields.

Refund from Deposit

  1. In the Refund Mode drop-down, select the mode of refund. The available modes are Cash or Check or Towards Outstanding.

For Cash Refund

    1. In the Refunded By box, specify the operational entity code from which the refund is being made.

For check refund

  1. In the Bank drop-down, select the bank from which the refund is being made.

  1. Provide check number and check date in respective fields.

  2. Enter Reference # and notes, if any.

  3. Click Save to refund the amount.

  4. Click Staging to move the refund into staging.

  5. Click Print to print the refund receipt.
