Usage Limit

Usage limit is the maximum number of units allocated to a customer to use each usage based services (like PPV, VoD, ISP and VoIP) in the prepaid plan. It is the upper usage unit set for each services available in the prepaid plan.

Generally, a customer is not allowed to exceed the usage limit of services in the prepaid plan. Once the usage limit exceeds, a request is generated to suspend the services from the customer account.

As a prepaid plan is associated with validity period, the usage limit of each individual service in the prepaid plan is cancelled when the validity period expires. But there is a provision to carry forward the existing usage limit of the services, if the prepaid plan is renewed before expiry of the validity period.

When the services in the prepaid plan have reached or exceeded the usage limit, through Top up process the usage limit can be renewed. On top up, additional usage units (as specified while defining the plan) are added to the respective services.

For a single service, usage limit may vary from plan to plan. When a prepaid plan is terminated, no credit is given to the customer towards the unused usage units automatically.

For Example: