Current Snapshot

This screen helps to view the graph reports that represent ticket details such as tickets raised for today, top category tickets for today, top geo for today, tickets raised in last 7 days, top category tickets in last seven days etc.

To view operational reports:

  1. On Customer Care module, click Current Snapshot.

  2. The screen displays the graph reports that represents the following ticket details:

Following are the reports displayed in this screen.

Description: This report represents the number of tickets raised for the current day.

X-axis: Represents the hours between which the tickets were generated.

Y-axis: Represents the number of tickets.

Description: This report represents number of tickets raised according to category wise.

X-axis: Represents number of tickets.

Y-axis: represents category names.

Description: This report represents number of tickets raised in the top geo for the current day.

X-axis: Represents number of tickets.

Y-axis: Represents Geo names.

Description: Represents the number of tickets raised in the past seven days.

X-axis: Represents number of tickets.

Y-axis: Represents the date (i.e., date/month/year).

Description: Represents top category tickets raised in the past seven days.

X-axis: Represents number of tickets.

Y-axis: Represents category names.

Description: Represents number of tickets raised at the top geo in the past seven days.

X-axis: Represents number of tickets.

Y-axis: Represents Geo names.

Description: Represents number of closed tickets.

X-axis: Represents the hours between which the tickets were closed.

Y-axis: Represents number of tickets.

Description: Represents number of closed tickets in last seven days.

X-axis: Represents number of tickets.

Y-axis: Represents the date (i.e., Date/month/year)