Deposit Code

Deposit Code lookup code helps you to define and modify deposit codes. These deposit codes are used while collecting deposits from customers.

To define/modify deposit code:

  1. On the System Administration module, click Accounts, and then click Deposit Code.

  2. In the Deposit Code box and the Description box, type the code and description of the deposit respectively.

  3. In the Account Code drop-down, select the account which should be effected. All the deposit accounts defined in GL Code screen appear in the drop-down.

  4. In the Open Item Code, select the open item bin.

  5. In the Lock In Period in Months box, type the lock in period.

  6. In the Amount box, type the deposit amount.

  7. In the Status box, select Active or Inactive.

  8. Click Save to save the deposit details.

  9. To modify an existing deposit code, in the Deposit Code box , type the deposit code. You can also click to browse for a deposit code.

  10. Modify the required details and click Save to apply the modifications.