Payment Upload

Payment upload process is used for receiving payments in bulk. This process allows you to upload multiple payments for multiple customers. All the payment details are entered in a .csv file, verified and then uploaded in bulk. Each row in the upload file represents one payment.

In the file format the header section contains fields like, Payment Date, Customer Number, Particulars, Payment Mode, Amount, Receipt Number, Receipt Date, Book Number, Collecting Entity, and Collected By. The details section contains fields like, Check Number, Check Date, Bank Name, and Branch Name. The details section is required only for the check pay mode.

While uploading the file if any record fails, a log file is generated with error code and the process continues. If the process becomes successful for all records, then system displays a success message. Otherwise number of success and fail records is maintained separately. Once the upload is completed, the payment transactions are performed for the successful records.

Refer sample upload document AddPaymentformat.xls for more details.

Note: Payment mode can be Cash, Credit Card, Debit Card, and Check.