Time Slots

Time Slot screen is used to define time slots for call units. The time slots are created based on the slot types defined on the system. The existing time slot details can also be modified through this screen.

To define time slots:

  1. On the System Administration module, click Order Management, click Rate Plan, and then click Time Slot.

  2. If you are defining a new time slot, select the New check box against the Name field appears as selected, by default.

  3. Enter Time Slot Name and Description in the respective fields.

  4. Select Slot Type form the drop down. The available slot types are Business Hour, Off Peak, Holiday and Weekend. Depending on the selected type, the corresponding days appear in Slots table.

  5. Select Status from the drop down.

  6. Click Add to associate the day and time for the selected slot type.

  7. Select the day from the drop down on which time slot should be defined.

  8. Enter Start Time and End Time (in 24 hours format).

  9. You can define slots for multiple days repeating the above process.

  10. Click the Save button to save the time slot details.

  11. To modify a time slot details, enter Time Slot Name. Else, click the Search Lookup against the Name field. Enter the minimum required details in the searching fields and click the Search button. The details appear in Lookup Search pop up window. Select the required Name link from the Search Results list in Lookup Search pop up window. The time slot details appear in the main window. Modify the details and click the Save button to apply the modification.

Note: Time slots are associated to the rate plan.