Pending Payments

The pending payments that are moved to the staging area can be seen in Pending Payments screen. If you are an authorized user, you can retrieve the payments and can approve or modify or deny the payment details.

To approve/modify/deny the pending payments:

  1. On the Receivables module, click Pending Payments.

  2. You can retrieve pending payments of customers and operational entities . To retrieve pending payments of customers, in the Party Type drop-down, select party type as Customer. Provide relevant information in the given search filters like Customer #, Payment Mode, From Date and To Date, and Operational Entity.

  3. To retrieve pending payments of operational entities, in the Party Type drop-down, select party type as Operational Entity. Provide relevant information in the given search filters like Operational Entity, Payment Mode, From Date and To Date.

  4. Select Payment Towards from the drop-down.

  5. Click Search to retrieve the payments, which are pending based on the specified search filters. Payment details like Payment Number, Customer Number or Operational Entity, Payment Date, Payment Mode, Collecting Entity, Currency, and Amount are displayed.

  6. Click the payment number link to view the details in Payment pop up window.

  7. Under Action column, click the Edit link to navigate to Edit Payment screen where you can edit the payment details. Click the Save button to apply the modification and save the details again in staging.

  8. Click the Approve link to approve the pending payment. The account balance gets affected when the payment is approved.

  9. Click the Deny link to deny the pending payment. In this case, the payment gets cancelled.