Operational Entity

Operational Entity screen is used to create new operational entities in the system. You can capture various attributes of the operational entity while creating the entity in the system.

You can also modify the existing operational entity details through this screen.

To create or modify an operational entity:

  1. On the System Administration module, click Basic Configurations, click Operational Entities, and then click Operational Entity.

  2. Enter operational entity code and description in Entity Code and Entity Name fields respectively.

  3. Select Operational Entity Type from the drop-down. Each operational entity must belong to a particular entity type.

  4. The parent operational entity of the selected entity type appears automatically. Select the required Parent Entity Code from the drop-down.

  5. Enter contact details like Contact Name, Work Phone, Mobile Phone, Fax, and e-mail in the respective fields.

  6. Enter address details like, Address, City, District, State, Country, and Postal Code in the respective fields. Based on the selected country, the currency type appears in Currency field. Depending on the selected entity type, business functions of the operational entity appear automatically.

Note: The different business functions available in the system are, Booking New Orders, Receiving Payments, Holding Inventory, and Responsible for Customer Dues.

  1. Select Create Partner check box to register the operational entity as a partner.

  2. Click the Save button to save the details and create a new operational entity.

  3. To modify an existing operational entity details, enter Entity Code in the given field. Else, click the Search Lookup against the Entity Code field. Enter the minimum required details in the searching fields and click the Search button. The details appear in Lookup Search pop up window. Select the required Entity Code link from the Search Results list in Lookup Search pop up window. The operational entity details appear in the screen.

  4. Modify the details and click the Save button to apply the modification.
