Customer Community

Customer Community screen is used to connect a customer to a Community User Group (CUG).

To connect a customer to CUG:

  1. On the Order Management module, click Customer Community.

  2. Retrieve customer details.

  3. In the Community Details grid, click Add to navigate to Community User Group Search web page dialog box, which helps you to search for a CUG.  Provide relevant information in the search filters and click Search to retrieve CUGs.  The community details like community code, community name, address information, and community number are displayed in the main window. Click on the community code link to add a CUG. The CUG details appear in the main window.

  4. In the Contract drop-down, select the contract.

  5. Click Attach link to connect the customer to the CUG.

  6. To disconnect a customer from a CUG, click Detach link against the community from which you want to detach the customer.