The following profile options are available in Mediation module:
The profile options are explained in detail.
Current Values:
Yes: This profile option value is set as 'Yes' to recognize revenue for the rated CDRs.
No: If this profile option value is set to 'No', then the revenue will not be recognized for the rated CDRs.
Default Value: Yes.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Events Per Page For Selfcare Events: This profile option is required to set the number of events to be displayed per page in Events Order screen of Selfcare portal. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: Specify the number of events to be displayed in Events Order screen.
Default Value: 3
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Image Path for Assets: This profile option is required to set image path where image files (contents defined as Assets in the system) are stored in case of Pay per View (PPV) and Video on Demand (VoD). For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values: You can enter any path to store such image files.
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Current Values:
Yes: Select Yes to process records in bulk.
No: Select No to process record by record.
Default Value: No
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Is Customer Overridable Price: This profile option is used to apply new price which is defined through Rateplan Definition screen.
Current Values:
TRUE: If this profile option value is set to 'TRUE', then new price will be applied.
FALSE: If this profile option value is set to 'FALSE', then new price will not be applied.
Default Value: FALSE
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Usage Rollup Enabled: This profile option is used for distributing the remaining free units to the child accounts whose consumption is greater than the actual free units.
Current Values:
Yes: This profile option value is set as 'Yes' to summarize the monthly rating units of the child accounts based on the parent account whose usage is less than the actual free units and distribute the free units to the child accounts whose consumption is greater than the actual free units.
No: If this profile option value to No, then the usage rollup calculations will not be applicable.
Default Value: No.
Note: This
profile option value cannot be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify
User Profile Options screen.
Per Day CDR: This profile option is required to generate CDR's day wise. The CDR's received from External provisioning system are session wise. This profile option is provided to cumulate the session wise data records and generate a single CDR per day. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
TRUE: If the profile option value is set to TRUE, then a single CDR is generated day wise from all the session CDRs.
FALSE: If the profile option value is set to FALSE, then CDRs are not generated day wise.
Default Value: FALSE
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Per Day CDR for InterConnect Billing: This profile option is required to generate CDR's day wise for interconnect billing. The CDR's received from External provisioning system are session wise. This profile option is provided to cumulate the session wise data records and generate a single CDR per day. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
TRUE: If the profile option value is set to TRUE, then a single CDR is generated day wise from all the session CDRs.
FALSE: If the profile option value is set to FALSE, then CDRs are not generated day wise.
Default Value: FALSE
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options
Roll up Rating: This profile option is used to rate the dealer and dealer's customer. For this profile option, you can set the following values.
Current Values:
Yes: If the profile option value is set to Yes, the rating is done for the guided CDRs of dealer and dealer's customer. After scheduling the Usage Rating job, the job picks up the guided CDRs of the dealer and the dealer's customer and rates the CDRs.
No: If the profile option value is set to No, the rating is done only for the dealer's guided CDRs. The job does not pick up the guided CDRs of the dealer's customer.
Default Value: NO
This profile option value can be overridden by the normal user in View/Modify User Profile Options