Pay Per View

Pay per View is the system in which television viewers can purchase events and pay for the private telecast of that event to their homes later. The event is shown at the same time to everyone ordering it, as opposed to Video on Demand (VOD) systems, which allow viewers to see the event at any time.

User can manage a catalogue of events, which expires after a fixed time. Event screen maintains the price and related attribute values for the events.

Event Listing screen displays all the events based on search criteria. The related attributes such as, Name of the Event, Type of the Event, Asset, Event Begin Time, Duration of the Event, Order Begin Time, Order End Time and Cancellation Deadline can be seen in event screen.

User can select any of the attributes as search criteria on the basis of which event details can be extracted.

For example, user can select Event Type, Event Name, Event Status, and Dates as the searching criteria to view existing event types and all the events coming under that type. Similarly, Asset of the event can be selected as the searching criteria to view existing assets and events defined on that asset.

Details of each movie, sports event or music album etc can be stored as Asset details. Categorization of Assets is based on Supplier, Category (Sports, Sitcoms, Movies, Educational etc.) and ratings ( G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17).

These are the content assets available to be offered as PPV events. There may be different categories of assets with different ratings from various suppliers. Assets may be offered as PPV events at chosen time.

Asset Listing screen displays all the defined assets in the system. The related attributes such as, Asset Name, Category, Rating, Class, and Status of the title can be seen in this page.

PPV events can be ordered through a live CSR, SMS, or Self Care.

Customers may call up/approach the CSR to order the required PPV events. The CSR in turn enters the details in the system. The events can also be ordered through SMS. Alternatively, while ordering through Self Care, the subscribers need to sign up with valid Login ID and Password and select the PPV events of their choice.

PPV events can be booked through Events Order screen.

The ordered PPV events can be processed for cancellation for various reasons through Usage Presentment screen.

While defining events in Event screen, if Allow Cancellation option is set as Yes, then user is allowed to cancel the event. However, cancellation of event is not possible if the cancellation deadline of that particular event is over. After an event is cancelled, the amount is credited to the customer account.

Scheduling of events on the system is necessary to create corresponding sessions on the CAS. This is about scheduling the events date and timing and also specifying the Basic Service on which these events are to be scheduled.

Every PPV service has a periodic usage limit, which can also be changed if required. The usage limit varies from customer to customer. As part of order processing/fulfillment, the usage control is enforced. After the usage limit is reached, the customer is not allowed to purchase any more PPV events. This is a very important feature especially when the customers are billed after the usage of service.