Rate Plan screen is used to define rate plans in the system. You can also associate the rate plan with a slab.
To define a rate plan:
On the System Administration module, click Order Management, click Rate Plan, and then click Rate Plan.
In the Name and the description box, type the name and description of the rate plan.
In the Usage Type drop-down, select the type of usage. The corresponding unit type and unit appear on the screen. The following different kinds of usage types are available in the system for different services.
Voice: For VOIP services. This usage type is measured in Time and the corresponding units are Minutes or Second.
Date: For ISP (broadband) services. This usage type is measured in Bandwidth and the corresponding units are KB, MB, or GB.
Event: For On Demand services like PPV and VOD. This usage type is measured in Currency and depending on the currency type defined in the system the units can be Rupees, Dollar, and Pound etc.
Select Unit from the drop down.
In the Free Units box, enter the number of units for which you do not want to charge. For Voice and Data Usage type, select the Price Apply check box to convert the free units as free currency. For example, if 100 is entered as free units and if Price Apply check box is selected, and if the customer's currency is Rupee, then 100 is considered as Rs.100, Rs.100 is deducted from the total bill. The deducted amount is not shown in the bill.
For Event as usage type, Events Apply check box appears. Select the Events Apply check box to convert the free units as free events. For example, if free units are eight, and the customer has ordered fifteen events then the billing is done only for 7 events as the free events are 8. Here free units are considered as free events.
In the Rounding Type
drop down, select the rounding type value as None, Floor or Ceil.
None: For a broadband CDR,
if the usage calculated after rating is 57.4 mb, then the consumed
units is taken as same 57.4 mb.
Floor: For a broadband CDR,
if the usage calculated after rating is 57.4 mb, and if rounding type
is selected as Floor, then the consumed units is rounded down to 57
Ceil: For a broadband CDR,
if the usage calculated after rating is 57.4 mb, and if rounding type
is selected as Ceil, then the consumed units is rounded up to 58 mb.
Select Rounding Type, Slab Type, and Status from the drop down.
Select the date from which the rate plan should be effective in Effective From field.
Select QoS Apply, Category Apply, and Time Slot Apply check boxes to apply QoS, Category, and Time Slot Type for the rate plan. QoS, Category, and Time Slot Type values are not displayed and the value is ALL if the check boxes are not selected.
To associate the rate plan with time slot, category, or quality of service, click the Add link in Time Slot table. A new row appears in the table.
Select QoS, Category, Time
Slot Type, and Time Slot Name from respective drop-downs. Provide
Price and Number of Rating Units in respective fields. You can add
multiple time slots to a single rate plan.
To provide free units for different categories
Select Category Apply check box.
In Rateplan FreeUnits grid, click Add to define free unit for a category.
In Category drop-down, select the category for which you want to define the free unit.
In Free Units box, type the free units you want to provide for the category.
Click the Save button to create the rate plan.
Note: Time
Slots, QoS, Category, Rate Plan Unit, and Rounding Type should be
defined in the system.